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Project Brief

A new company, Pure Jadeite Beauty, asked me to create a logo for their jade rollers and gua sha. They wanted their logo to reflect a high-end beauty brand that specialised in making high-quality authentic beauty products that were conflict-free. I put together a mood board to help generate ideas with the client, before using a combination of hand painted watercolour images and Figma sketches to produce a variety of logo designs. The company later changed their name to Ayana and Pure Jadeite Beauty became their tag line. They were pleased with the selection of designs and are currently deciding between the gua sha flower silhouette logo and mountain logo.

Ayana Gold Shine2.gif
A4 _300dpi (Page 1)-min_edited_edited.jpg

Look 1

I thought the transparency of the gua-sha would make for an interesting effect so I started to play with that idea first. I liked how it resembled a heart which could mean that it was good for skin health. I used different greens in keeping with the jadeite colours.

Look 1 B.png

Look 2

I continued to use the heart shaped gua sha and created a flower silhouette. The flower could symbolise that the product is from a natural source and is gentle on the skin. Its transparency represents Pure Jadeite’s transparency with its customers.

A4 _300dpi (Page 1)-min_edited.jpg
Look 2 B.png
Look 5A Background.jpg

Look 5

Ayana Title.png

Further incorporating the face profile as part of a mountain-scape, this final look can be used to stand in for the letter 'A' in the company name. The client was particularly drawn to this logo's multiple representations.

Look 5 B.png
Look 5 Background.png


In order to get an idea of how successful the logo would look on packaging, I superimposed the mountain logo onto a box and made use of the gua- sha flower silhouette as a background pattern to help the client visualise the final look. I wanted the packaging to signify luxury by imitating a jewellery box. This would convey the items inside to be precious and of high value.

Packaging B.png
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